WIKI About Oxalic Acid



How oxalic acid remove rust

Oxalic acid is a potent but toxic cleaner that removes rust and stains caused by iron, water and tannic acid. It’s available in dry crystal form, to be dissolved in warm water for use

Oxalic acid how to use

Oxalic acid is the perfect chemical for removing stains from timber. It’s made from rhubarb leaves & comes in a crystal form.

Oxalic acid is used for:

  • Removal of tannin stains in oak or timber
  • Removal of iron stains
  • Boat cleaning
  • Bleaching wood
  • Removing brick stains
  • Furniture restoration
  • Bee keeping

You will need:

  • A container
  • A brush
  • Scrubbing brush
  • Safety gloves
  • A mask

Avoid contact with the skin & eyes.

The process is extremely simple. We have split it out into 4 steps. It can be completed very simply in a matter of minutes:

  1. Mix one part oxalic acid with 6 parts warm water
  2. Apply a liberal amount of the mixture to the timber using a brush or sprayer
  3. Use the scrubbing brush to scrub the stains
  4. Allow to dry – the timber will dry without the stains

Oxalic acid how to use wood bleach

To remove stains:
Dissolve 12 to 16 ounces of oxalic acid crystals into one gallon (or 2-4 oz. in a quart) of hot water.
Use solution while hot, with a scrub brush.
Apply liberally allowing solution to remain on surface until desired lightness has been achieved.
If solution cools before job is finished, reheat solution (do not boil).
Triple rinse thouroughly with clean water
and allow to dry.

When completely dry, lightly sand the surface. Surface must be clean and completely dry (not just surface dry) before refinishing.
Incomplete drying and retained subsurface moisture can cause finish adhesion failure.

After Stripping and to Lighten:
To restore wood tones (especially for oak)
Restore clarity and the natural tones of the wood without effecting the patina. Use 3 to 5 oz. per gallon of hot water then apply by spray, brush or wipe on. Rinse thoroughly with clean water.

Oxalic acid crystals how to use

Oxalic Acid Crystals remove stains such as ink from wood, rust stains from a variety of materials such as concrete and also mildly bleaches wood. Oxalic Acid can also help removal of rust from metal surfaces.

Oxalic Acid is also used for cleaning fibreglass boat decks and hulls. Oxalic Acid is found naturally in many plants.

Oxalic Acid is supplied in the form of fine white crystals, which should be diluted by adding approximately 75-100g of crystals to 1 litre of warm water. This solution should be applied to a stain, left to dry and then rinsed with clean water.

Image is for illustration only and product supplied may vary.

A ready made solution is also available – Liberon Wood Bleacher

Oxalic Acid Crystals are slightly toxic and therefore protective equipment, such as gloves and safety glasses should be used.

A safety data sheet will be sent with every order.

How to pronounce oxalic acid

How to use oxalic in clothes

Wet the stain and sprinkle OXALIC ACID on it.  Rub with a wet cloth, sponge or brush until stain has vanished.  Rinse thoroughly and wipe dry.  For more stubborn stains, make a paste of OXALIC ACID and water, apply to the stain and allow to stand a minute or two before rubbing.  Rinse and wipe dry.  To whiten iron stained clothes, presoak using 4 tablespoon of OXALIC ACID in 2 gallons of water. OXALIC ACID can also be sprinkled in the toilet bowl and other porcelain surfaces to clean embedded rust and hard water stains.

How to use oxalic acid laundry

  • add the affected laundry plus 100-200g of product to the washing machine and run on a hot wash or hot pre-soak program.
  • If possible allow some soaking time as this will enhance stain removal
  • Do Not add any other chemical or detergent.
  • Run the machine through the full wash cycle to throughly rinse the laundry
  • To complete the process run the treated linen through a full wash cycle in the usual way with added detergent
  • As iron staining may vary it may be necessary to repeat treatment process or increase the concentration of Oxalic Acid.

How to use oxalic acid on glass

Rust does not develop on glass, but rust stains can drip onto glass windows from rusting metal roof gutters or onto glass mirrors from rusting metal light fixtures. You can remove the rust marks with simple household cleaners and products. Never use metal scrapers or coarse steel wool to clean glass, since those items can easily scratch the glass.

Step 1

Mix ¼ cup oxalic acid-based cleaner, such as a powder cleanser containing oxalic acid, with 1 qt. of water.

Step 2

Dip a clean cloth into the solution and apply it to the rust stains.

Step 3

Rub the rust stains to remove them.

Step 4

Rinse the entire area with clear water and dry it with a cloth.

How to mix oxalic acid powder

Oxalic Acid Paste

Step 1

Mix three parts oxalic acid crystals with one part warm water to create an oxalic acid paste. The paste is used on wood with dark stains created by water marks. The paste is used as a spot treatment and should not be used to cover an entire surface.

Step 2

Apply the paste to the stained areas with a paintbrush and allow to dry.

Step 3

Remove the oxalic acid paste with a wet sponge. Thoroughly clean or discard the sponge after removing the oxalic acid paste.

Oxalic Acid Wash

Step 1

Create an oxalic acid wash to bleach larger sections of wood that do not require the deep bleaching the oxalic paste creates. For small areas mix 1 ounce oxalic acid with one cup warm water. For larger areas mix 8 ounces of oxalic acid crystals with one quart warm water.

Step 2

Apply the wash to the wood surface using a sponge. The wash will bleach the surface of the wood evenly. It is important to cover all areas of the wood to achieve the desired result. Be certain to get the wash in trim pieces and into corner pieces.

Step 3

Remove oxalic acid wash with a clean sponge and clean water.

How to calculate ph of oxalic acid

The acid dissociation constant is a value defined for every acid HA and denoted by Ka = [H+][A-]/[HA]

The acid dissociation constant of oxalic acid is 5.60×10^-2 and 5.42×10^-5. There are two values as oxalic acid is a poly protic acid and has a chemical formula HOOCCOOH.

5.60×10^-2 = [H+][HC2O4-]/[HOOCCOOH]

5.42×10^-5 = [H+][C2O4 2-]/[C2O4H-]

From the Ka value the value of pH can be derived as :

pH = pKa + log[A-]/[HA]

pKa is defined as the negative of the log to the base 10 of Ka, or pKa = -log Ka

At half neutralization the pH of an acid is given by pH = pKa + 0 as log ([A-]/[HA]) = log 1 = 0. For oxalic acid this ranges between –log(5.60×10^-2 ) = 1.25 and –log(5.42×10^-5 ) = 4.267.

How to clean quartz with oxalic acid

Removing Minor Tarnish and Stains

Use an old toothbrush. If you have just a few quartz crystals or crystals that are only slightly tarnished by clay, you can use an old toothbrush to clean them off. Simply wet the toothbrush with water and scrub the quartz crystals in your hand.[1]

  • You can even use scouring powder and a steel brush for tougher stains, as quartz is a very durable material.

Dry the quartz crystals in the sunlight. If your quartz crystals are covered by a large amount of clay, you can place them outside in indirect sunlight for several hours to let the clay dry and crack. Once the clay is sufficiently dry, you should be able to brush off the remnants.[2]

  • You may need to repeat this process several times.
  • Be sure not to place the crystals in direct sunlight because this could cause them to heat up too quickly and become damaged or cracked.
  • This method will only work to remove dried clay from your quartz crystals. If the quartz is covered in iron deposits, you’ll need to use an oxalic acid method.

Remove iron stains with a high pressure water tool. Most iron stains can be removed with a high pressure water gun. Simply shoot the water spray at the quartz crystal and watch the stains disappear. This will work for most iron stains on your quartz, leaving only some slight staining in the cracks of the crystal.[3]

  • You can also try removing many of the iron stains with a high pressure air tool.

Removing Deposits and Tough Stains

Soak overnight in oxalic acid to remove iron deposits. If your quartz crystals have only a small outer layer of iron, you should be able to thoroughly clean them by soaking them in a weak solution of oxalic acid overnight. Put the quartz crystals in a plastic bucket with the oxalic acid and cover the bucket overnight.[4]

  • You can rinse the crystals with a garden hose or in the sink the next day. Be sure to stopper the sink so that you don’t lose any of the crystals.
  • Oxalic acid can be purchased from most drug stores in powder form.

Remove stains by soaking in a store-bought solution. You can purchase a cleaning solution called Iron Out at most home improvement or household stores (like WalMart). Simply soak the quartz crystals in the cleaning solution and watch the stains disappear. You may have to let the crystals soak for days or even weeks for them to become completely untarnished.[5]

  • Be sure to rinse the quartz crystals with water when you finish.
  • If you want to make your own Iron Out cleaning solution, you can combine 33 grams of sodium dithionite, 28 grams or sodium bicarbonate, 59 grams of sodium citrate, and 800 milliliters of water. Simply swirl the mixture around until all of the chemicals are dissolved in the water.

Remove algae deposits by soaking the crystals in bleach. If your quartz crystals are covered in algae deposits or other minerals, you can try cleaning them with household bleach. Soak the crystals in a bowl filled with water-diluted bleach and let them sit for several days.

  • Be sure to rinse the quartz crystals well after taking them out of the bleach solution.
  • Let the crystals dry thoroughly (for at least one day) before you begin any other kind of chemical cleaning.

Taking the Proper Precautions

Perform the cleaning in a well-ventilated area. Whenever you are cleaning quartz crystals with oxalic acid, you need to do it in a highly ventilated area. These fumes can be very harmful to you if you inhale them. Acidic fumes can be poisonous to animals and humans

Wear gloves when handling any type of acid. In addition to being harmful if inhaled, acid can burn you if it comes into direct contact with your skin. Be sure to wear rubber gloves when handling oxalic acid and while cleaning quartz crystals.

  • Make sure to wear rubber gloves and not fabric gloves. The acidic residue could remain on the fabric gloves or seep through to your skin.

Dispose of the acid waste properly. Since oxalic acid waste is considered a hazardous material, you need to neutralize it first before you can dispose of it. At the end of the cleaning process, the oxalic acid will be in a liquid form. You need to add garden lime (CaO) to the liquid until there is no longer any visible reaction.[7]

  • You can do this outside on the ground and wash away the remnants with a hose. Or you can do it by using a funnel to pour the spent oxalic acid into a gallon jug and add the lime in there. Then simply throw away the jug and its contents in a trashcan or dumpster.



Q: Is oxalic acid a strong acid?

A: Oxalic acid is classified as a weak acid.

It is weaker than H3O+ ion (water). But it is stronger than Acetic acid, Sulfurous acid, Nitrous acid, Benzoic acid etc. Firstly it is an organic compound and generally organic compounds are not strong acidsOxalic acid is also called as dicarboxylic acid.

Q: What foods are high in oxalic acid?


Leafy greens and other plant foods are very popular among the health-conscious. However, many of these foods also contain an antinutrient called oxalate (oxalic acid).

Foods High in Oxalate
  • Beet greens.
  • Rhubarb.
  • Spinach.
  • Beets.
  • Swiss chard.
  • Endive.
  • Cocoa powder.
  • Kale.

Q: Is oxalic acid harmful to humans?

A: Oxalic acid is toxic because of its acidic and chelating properties. It may cause burns, nausea, severe gastroenteritis and vomiting, shock and convulsions. It is especially toxic when ingested. As little as 5 to 15 grams (71 mg/kg) may be fatal to humans.

Q: What is oxalic acid formula?

A: C2H2O4

Q: Will oxalic acid remove rust?

A: Oxalic acid is a potent but toxic cleaner that removes rust and stains caused by iron, water and tannic acid. It’s available in dry crystal form, to be dissolved in warm water for use

Q: Will oxalic acid remove hard water stains?

A: Often, it seems like typical glass cleaners barely touch these hard water stains, but there is a solution. … Out of four glass cleaners—lemon and vinegar, oxalic acid, lime remover, and ammonium chloride detergent—oxalic acid was the most effective cleaner.

Q: Can you mix oxalic acid and bleach?

A: be exposed to chlorine if they mix an acid with a solution containing sodium hypochlorite. Examples include mixing toilet bowl cleaners containing hydrochloric, phosphoric, or oxalic acid with bleach. If enough acid is added to lower the pH of the hypochlorite solution to below 4, chlorine gas will be released.

Q: Is raw spinach high in oxalic acid?

A:  Raw Spinach Benefits: There is no need to shun raw spinach simply because it contains oxalic acid. It is also rich in many essential nutrients, some of which are more available to our bodies when we consume them raw. These nutrients include folate, vitamin C, niacin, riboflavin, and potassium

Q: Are beets high in oxalic acid?

A: Oxalic acid occurs in lots of foods in small amounts, and a few foods in large amounts. Swiss chard has most (700mg per 100g), but spinach (600mg), rhubarb (500mg), cocoa (500mg), beetroot (300mg) and peanuts (150mg) also have a lot.

Q:  Which acid is used to remove ink spots?

A: Oxalic acid is widely used as an acid rinse in laundries, where it is effective in removing rust and ink stains because it converts most insoluble iron compounds into a soluble complex ion.

Q: What are oxalic acid crystals?

A: Oxalic Acid Crystals remove stains such as ink from wood, rust stains from a variety of materials such as concrete and also mildly bleaches wood. … Oxalic Acid is supplied in the form of fine white crystals, which should be diluted by adding approximately 75-100g of crystals to 1 litre of warm water.

Q: Does vinegar neutralize oxalic acid?

A: Vinegar is an acid. You don’t neutralize an acid with another acid! A second or third application of the oxalicacid solution to the wood after it has dried may help if the stains are stubborn

Q: Does steaming spinach remove oxalic acid?

A: Green vegetables such as spinach, beet greens and Swiss chard are high in calcium, but their high levels of a compound called oxalic acid binds calcium and reduce its absorption. Cooking releases some of the calcium that’s bound to oxalic acid

Q: Do oats contain oxalic acid?

A: Foods high in oxalate acid include beetroot, asparagus, spinach, rhubarb, chocolate, berries, celery, almonds, peanuts and cashew nuts, and grains such as oatmeal, wheat germ and whole wheat. … Foods high in phytic acid include grains, nuts and beans.

Q: Does kale contain oxalic acid?

A: Kale, and many other foods, contains high levels of oxalate. Oxalic acid is naturally occurring and found in plants such as spinach, chard, beets, berries and kale.

Q: Does sweet potato contain oxalic acid?

A: Foods high in oxalate include: spinach, rhubarb, cocoa, chocolate, tea, beer, peanut butter, green beans, beets, Swiss chard, collards, eggplant, sweet potatoes, blueberries, Concord grapes, raspberries, wheat products (especially bran), and certain nuts.

Q: How do you clean up oxalic acid?

A: The main use of oxalic acid can remove is as a bleach, particularly with wood and to remove iron stains all while not bleaching the wood. For small spots, it is suggested that users mix about two tablespoons of it in a quart of hot tap water and allow it to dissolve.

Q: Is oxalic acid biodegradable?

A: Oxalic acid is readily biodegradable, meeting the 10-d window. … Not relevant for oxalic acid because this substance is ready biodegradable and highly soluble in water, and LogKow is negative.

Q: Do blueberries have oxalic acid?

A: Blueberries do contain several acids. People who must follow a low oxalate diet may want to avoid eating blueberries. The oxalates in blueberries seem to block the absorption of calcium to some extent. … If you consume plenty of other calcium-rich products, it probably is not of any concern.

Q: Do radish greens have oxalic acid?

A: Rhubarb leaves pack high levels of toxic oxalic acid, but radish leaves are safe. They have a mild bite a little like the radish beneath them, and like that radish, they are best eaten young and in great shape

Q:  Where Oxalic acid is found?

A: Oxalic acid is a natural product found in spinach and some other plant foods including rhubarb. (Levels are so high in rhubarb leaves that we don’t eat them – they’re poisonous). It imparts a sharp taste to beet greens and chard that I don’t like, especially in older leaves.

Q: Does oxalic acid kill mold?

A: Note: Oxalic acid is toxic. … Oxalic acid generally brightens the wood surface, but is not very effective for removing algae or mold, nor will it keep iron stain from reoccurring if the source of the iron is not removed.

Q: Is oxalic acid flammable?

A: Hazard Class: 8 (Corrosive) Oxalic Acid is a COMBUSTIBLE SOLID. Use dry chemical, CO2, water spray or alcohol- resistant foam as extinguishing agents. … Oxalic Acid will react with SILVER and SILVER COMPOUNDS to form explosive Silver Oxalate.

Q: How do you use oxalic acid on bees?

A: Apply heat until all Oxalic Acid has sublimated. Spraying Package Method: Ensure bees are clustered before applying. Spray broodless package with 1:1 sugar water solution (without Oxalic Acid mixed) at least 2 hours before spraying with Oxalic.

Q: Is oxalic acid organic?

A: Oxalic acid dihydrate (the crystalline form) is a dicarboxylic acid, which is a relatively strong organic acidOxalic acid is ubiquitous in the environment being found naturally in many plants and vegetables, as well as in honey. … In the U.S., oxalic acid is marketed for a range of non-pesticidal uses.

Q: How do you vaporize oxalic acid?

A: To use a 12-volt passive vaporizer, the beekeeper measures oxalic acid crystals (from 1-3 grams) into the cooled vaporizer, shoves the device into the entrance, seals the hive entrance up with foam or rags, then energizes the vaporizer with a power cord from the truck battery.

Q: Is oxalic acid harmful to the environment?

A: The pesticide oxalic acid will not result in unreasonable adverse effects to human health or the environment, and all registered products containing oxalic acid are eligible for reregistration.











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